Program > Thursday, September 1st
General background on the historical necessity to develop Rights of Future Generations
Morning Session : Welcoming words and general presentation of the Normandy Chair of Excellence for Peace
Chair: Pascal BULEON
- 9.30 am : Welcoming Coffee
- 9h45 -10h15 am : Welcoming words from institutions holding the NCP
- Elsa JAUBERT, Vice-President of the Commission for Education and University Life, University of Caen
- Christophe ROCHAIS, Vice-President in charge of International Development
- Aurélie MÉNARD, responsable de la recherche Université de Caen
- Cyril AUBERT-GEOFFROY, CNRS Regional delegate, Caen.
- Pascal BULEON, Head of Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, University of Caen/CNRS.
- 10.15-10.30 am : Welcoming words from institutions supporting the NCP Summer Schools Topics
- Pablo DIAZ, directeur de Sciences Po Rennes (zoom- création de GENFUT - first Master Degree created on Rights of Future Generations (to be confirmed)
- Juan Carlos SAINZ BARGO, Doyen de UPEACE, Costa Rica (Zoom / Video).
- 10.30 - 11.15 am : Welcoming from the NCP leaders and Chair Emeritus
- Tony OPOSA, Leader of the Normandy Chair for Peace, advocate and artist, Visayan Sea, Philippines
Normandy Chair for Peace, Changing the narrative : From a Symbol of War to a Symbol of Peace (Zoom Video)
- Prof. Nicholas ROBINSON, Chair emeritus of the Normandy Chair for Peace
The Transformative Roles of Ecological Law (Video pre-recorded)
- 11.15 - 11.30 am : Coffee Break
- 11.30 - 12.00 am : Emilie GAILLARD, General Coordinator of the Normandy Chair for Peace
General Presentation of the NCP
Philosophical background and context of scientific revolution: the entry into a transgenerational Era.
- 12.00 -12.30 am : Alexandra ARAGAO, Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of Coimbra (Portugal). Member of the CNP, responsible for the Responsible Innovation line
Responsible innovation
- 12.30 am LUNCH (not provided )
Afternoon Session : Philosophical and legal contexts of the need for laws protecting future generations
Chair: Shakeel KASMI
- 2.00 -2.20 pm. : Mary Evelyn TUCKER, Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale School of the Environment, co-director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
The need for a cosmology of Peace, (Zoom, direct)
- 2.20-3.40 pm. : Cristiane DERANI, Professor at the University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, (Brazil), Researcher at CEENRG, Research Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources at Cambridge University. ; Katy GWIAZDON , Professor of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Chair Ethics Specialist Group, IUCN, World Commission on Environmental Law.
The Decolonisation Era of Law and Institutions
- 3.40 - 4.00 pm : Q&A
- 4.00 pm. Coffee Break
- 4.20 - 5.00 pm. : Jochen SOHNLE, Professor of Public Law, Researcher at IRENEE, University of Lorraine,
Environmental ethics for lawyers
- 5.20 - 5.30 pm : Narinder KAKAR, Permanent Representative to the United Nations of the UN-Mandated University for Peace (Costa Rica), and co-editor of Fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals,
From Stockholm 1972 to Stockholm + 50 : towards the recognition of a Common Agenda for a Common Future (Zoom)
- 5.30 - 5.50 pm : Q&A
- 5.50 - 6.00 pm : Conclusion of the first day of general introduction.
Main messages of day 1