
  • Ivano ALOGNA, PhD in Law, Arthur Watts Research Fellow in Environmental and Climate Change Law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

Dr Ivano Alogna is the Arthur Watts Research Fellow in Environmental and Climate Change Law at BIICL and leads its rapidly developing environmental and climate change law programme.

Ivano is a member of the World Commission on Environmental Law of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its Climate Change Expert Group, and Expert of the 'Environmental Law and Policy' Commission, IUCN French Committee. He was appointed General Rapporteur of the Project 'Global Pact for the Environment', coordinated by the French Constitutional Council and the Club des Juristes. He is also a member of the European Law Institute (ELI) project on 'Ecocide'.

Furthermore, he is a licensed Attorney-at-Law at the Bar of Milan.



  •  Alexandra ARAGÃO, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), she is a researcher at the Institut Juridique (FDUC), member of European observatories and research networks on environmental law and coordinator of the Ibero-American Network for territorial justice, JUST SIDE. NCP Member, responsible innovations research line



  • Antonio BENJAMIN (zoom), Justice at the National High Court of Brazil (STJ) and  President of the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment.
  •  Laetitia BRACONNIER MORENO, lawyer from the Pontifical Bolivarian University (Medellin) and a specialist in human rights. In 2018, she was a laureate for the Bogotá Pole of the Institute of the Americas to complete a thesis on legal pluralism and transitional justice, between the University of Paris Nanterre (UMR 70/74, CREDOF) and the National University of Colombia (EILUSOS). She is co-president of the “transitional justice” commission of the Association des juristes franco-colombiens. Her research, considered from a collaborative and intercultural perspective, concerns the rights of migrants and indigenous peoples.. NCP Member, Transitional Justice and Environmental Issues research line.



  •  Edith BROWN WEISS, University Professor, Georgetown University. Former President, American Society of International Law.

Edith Brown Weiss is University Professor at Georgetown University, a Judge since 2012 on the International Monetary Fund’s Administrative Tribunal, and past President of the American Society of International Law.  From 2003-2007 she Chaired the World Bank Inspection Panel, an appointment at the Vice Presidential level.   Her book In Fairness to Future Generations received the ASIL Certificate of Merit and has been published in five languages.



  • Shirleen CHIN, International legal expert and independent consultant (Green Transparency) focusing on environmental crime, human rights and governance (Netherlands). organiser and coach UN Session Model.


  • Leslie CLOUD, lawyer, specialized in indigenous peoples’ rights and asylum, member of the JUSTIP (Justice and Indigenous Peoples Rights) network. NCP  head of the indigenous peoples research line.



  •  Kenneth DEER, Leader of the nation Mohawk à Kahnawà:ke (Canada). He holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Concordia University and was the 2010 recipient of the National Aboriginal Achievement Award.


  • Cristiane DERANI,Vice-rector of Graduate Studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil). Fellow of the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance (C-EENRG), University of Cambridge. Professor of International Law, International Economic Law, International Environmental Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (since 2010). Managing member of the Cambridge Global Food Security, University of Cambridge. Member of the expert group of the United Nations Program “Harmony with Nature. Member of the Steering Committee of the Ecological Law and Governance Association (ELGA). Member of the International Society for Ecological Economics. Visiting Professor at the Ecole de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Paris (2004), J.W. Goethe Universität – Frankfurt (2005), Universidad Pablo d’Olavide – Seville (2001-2007), University of Newcastle – Australia (2018-2021)



  1. Sophie FERRY, Attorney - Criminal Defense - Risk Prevention and Litigation - President of the Prospective and Innovation Commission at the French National Council of Bars (CNB). Partner of the NCP.


  •  Aoife FLEMING, member of the World Youth for Climate Justice movement (WYCJ), NCP member, Climate Justice research line.


  •  David FORMAN, Director of the Environmental Law Program, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. He was a member of the Host Committee/Program Committee for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature 2016 World Conservation Congress. He also served as the primary organizer of a unique, collaborative moot court exercise initially called Intergenerational Climate Justice before the International Court of Justice, but since renamed the Tony Oposa Intergenerational Moot Court. NCP Member, co-head of various lines of researches (Climate, Indigenous peoples).



  • Emilie GAILLARD, Associate Professor in Private Law (Sciences Po Rennes) and co-head of the Risk Division of the MRSH (Caen France). She defended in 2008 a thesis entitled : Future Generations and Private Law. Towards a law for Future Generations(ed.LDGJ, 2011, 673p.). For this book, she has been awarded a Prize by the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences in 2010.

Her works highlight the emergence of a new temporal paradigm which renews the legal framework but also initiates a new legal logic. She strives for a revitalised juridical humanism which respects both, humankind through time and space, and all the living and supporting conditions for life. She mainly writes in Philosophy, Legal Theory, International Human Rights Law, International Environmental Law, Constitutional Law & Biolaw. She participated to the elaboration of a Universal Declaration of rights of humankind under the direction of Corinne Lepage for the President of the French Republic (2015). General Coordinator of the NCP.



  • Kathryn GWIAZDON, Executive Director of the Center for Environmental Ethics and Law, an international non-governmental organization based in the U.S. (501(c)3). The core of her work advances the Biosphere Ethics Initiative, a program (adopted by IUCN) that seeks to evolve and push law and governance norms to better protect our planet and its natural and human communities. The heart of the work consists of meeting with local communities around the world to learn about the values that underlie their actions and decision-making, connecting these communities with one another to better address shared challenges, highlighting their stories on the global stage to help inform and move legal norms, and then support this work with inter-disciplinary scholarly research. Alongside her role as Executive Director, she teaches Public International Law and International Business Transactions at Northern Illinois University College of Law. In addition, Katy is a founding member of the Ecological Law and Governance Association, has served as Deputy Chair and Project Leader with the Ethics Specialist Group of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, and serves on the Executive Committee of the International Network for Epidemiology in Policy and as an Expert for the UN Harmony with Nature program.



  •  Luis Miguel GUTIERREZ, French-Colombian lawyer and Doctor of Public Law at the University of Poitiers. He is currently a Research Professor at the University of Lille. His doctoral thesis examines the relationship between transitional justice and the constitution in different States using a comparative constitutional law approach. He is Co-President of the Transitional Justice Commission of the Association des Juristes franco-colombiens. His research focuses on transitional justice, the Inter-American human rights system, environmental democracy and the interaction between international and national legal systems. He is currently part of the research team on “Peace, transitional justice and environmental Issues”.




  • Eric JULIEN, founder of Tchendukua, is a geographer and business consultant. In 1985, while traveling through the high valleys of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia), he was saved from a pulmonary edema by the Kogi Indians (Kagabas).

To thank them, and to try to contribute to their survival, he founded the association Tchendukua – Ici et Ailleurs. An association that brings together those who wish to favour a way of life based on the search for harmony and respect for others.

He is the author of many books including “The path of nine worlds”, “Kogis, the message of the last men” (Albin Michel), “The Kogi Indians, the memory of the possible” (Actes Sud).



  • Narinder KAKAR (zoom), Professor Emeritus and Permanent Observer of the University for Peace to the UN and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University (USA). Co-Editor of Fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals, Routledge, 2021.


  • Corinne LEPAGE, French lawyer and politician committed to the protection of the environment.

She holds a doctorate in law and is a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. She was sworn in in 1975. Over the past 40 years, Corinne Lepage has been committed to the environment in various ways. A renowned lawyer, she defended the victims of the oil spills resulting from the Amoco Cadiz shipwreck (1978). The Huglo-Lepage law firm and the Breton communities won their case and thus created a world first in environmental law, which opened the way to stronger protection for communities that were victims of serious pollution. The Erika and Grande-Synthe cases are other successes that Huglo-Lepage has won and that have left their mark on environmental law.

After a mandate as a local elected official obtained in 1989, in 1995 she responded positively to the proposal of Alain Juppé and became Minister of the Environment until 1997. During her mandate, she carried out the project of the LAURE law concerning air pollution and the rational use of energy. In 1997, thanks to a firm and sustained position on her part, she obtained the non-restarting of the nuclear reactor Superphénix and a moratorium on GMOs.

She will become an MEP from 2009 to 2014 and will be first vice-president of the Health and Environment Committee of the European Parliament.

After the creation of the Cap 21 party in 2000, she founded and chaired the environmental party Rassemblement citoyen – Cap 21 in 2014, which she still chairs today.

From 1975 to 2011, she pursued in parallel to her professional and political activities a teaching career at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris for 30 years as a lecturer and then professor at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris, but also as a lecturer in several universities.

Finally, she is very involved in community life. In addition to the Friends association of the Universal Declaration of Humankind rights (Association des amis de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Humanité in french : ADDHu), which she created and has chaired since 2015, she currently chairs WECF, the association justicepesticide, the movement of entrepreneurs of the new economy (MENE).



 Antonio OPOSA Jr. (zoom), internationally known based on his work in Minors Oposa v. Factoran (1993), which adopted the principle of intergenerational responsibility concerning the remaining old-growth forests in the Philippines. He was selected as commencement speaker for his 1997 Master of Laws class at Harvard; he was also named to the UNEP Global 500 Roll of Honor that year.

Oposa waged a ten-year legal battle to secure an order from the Supreme Court of the Philippines in 2008, requiring the government to clean up Manila Bay. In 2008, he became the only Asian to receive the Washington D.C.-based Center for International Environmental Law Award.

In 2009, Oposa received Asia’s highest recognition for public service: the Ramon Magsaysay Award (citing “his path-breaking crusade to engage Filipinos in acts of enlightened citizenship using the power of the Law to nurture the environment, for themselves, their children, and for generations yet unborn”).

He leads the Normandy Chair for Peace on Law and Future Generations (Sept. 2019-Sept. 2022), co-created by Region Normandy, CNRS, University of Caen Normandy and hosted by the MRSH.



  •  Nicole Ann PONCE,Co-Founder and Coordinator of I am Climate Justice (ICJ) movement,  Research Fellow to the Normandy Chair for Peace, and a graduate of Juris Doctor from University of San Carlos, Philippines. Her work is focused on using law as a tool for social change especially in the field of climate action and human rights. NCP member, Climate Justice research line.



  •  Prof. Nicholas ROBINSON (Zoom), Environmental Law Professor from the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, Professor Robinson has been a leader in the environmental legal programs of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He edited the United Nations’ praparatory work for the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, served on the drafting team for the UN World Charter for Nature, and was both IUCN’s Legal Advisor and Chair of its World Commission on Environmental Law. He led the formation of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. He has specialized in the law of environmental impact assessment since 1969, and founded the environmental legal education programs at Pace University in New York. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Normandy for Peace Chair on Law and Future Generations (Sept. 2019-Sept. 2022).. Chairman Emeritus of the Normandy Chair for Peace.



  • Juan Carlos SAINZ-BORGO (zoom), Professor of International Law, Dean of the University for Peace (UPEACE, Costa Rica).


  • Jule SCHNAKENBERG, law student at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, and stubborn optimists with WYCJ. Jule is a graduate from UWC Maastricht, and has interned at UWC Changshu China after that. Jule is a member of the Core-Team of WYCJ, and has an interest in using (international) law to further progress on climate justice and intergenerational equity. NCP member, Climate Justice research line


  • Jochen SOHNLE, Professor of public law at the University of Lorraine. NCP member, co-head environmental ethics research line.

Professor of Public Law at the University of Lorraine, Faculty of Law of Nancy (France) and head of the “Local and Regional Authorities and the European Union” course of the Master’s degree in European and International Studies at the European University Center of Nancy (CEU Nancy). His work and teachings, which are given in several languages (French, English, German, Spanish), focus on international, French and comparative environmental law, water law, natural resources law and ethical issues in relation to law.
He regularly lectures at Sciences-Po Paris, Nancy campus (trilingual European program: Public Authorities: A Cross-Country Comparative Perspective) and at the University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Law and Institute of Political Science (International Public and Private Environmental Law, Environmental Ethics, Comparative Public Administration Law). Jochen has lectured in his areas of expertise in Canada, the United States, Haiti, Germany, Spain and Russia and was a member of the Pace Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Pace Law School, New York, USA (January-August 2015). In January 2015, he was a visiting scholar at Widener School of Law, Wilmington, Delaware. Currently, he is an associate professor at Laval University, Quebec, a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and serves on the Scientific Council of the Rhine-Meuse Water Agency.



  • Christopher Sudol is a Haub Scholar at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University and holds an M.A. in history from the University of Wyoming and a B.A. in history from Montclair State University. Christopher's research and teaching focus on early American history, including concepts of settler colonialism and environmental transformations of the American West


  • Odo TEVI (Zoom), Ambassador of Vanuatu, State leading the ICJ Advisory Opinion (to be confirmed).


Alyn WARE, is a peace educator and international peace and disarmament campaigner. Originally from New Zealand he has lived in the United States and Switzerland, and now resides in the Czech Republic.

Mr Ware is Co-founder and Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non- proliferation and Disarmament (USA), Peace and Disarmament Programs Director for the World Future Council (Germany), Director of the Basel Peace Office (Switzerland) and International Representative for Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace (the New Zealand affiliate of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms). He previously served as Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy (USA).



  • Solomon YEO (Zoom), from the Solomon Islands, graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts (Politics) in 2019 from The University of the South Pacific, majoring in politics and law. Solomon is dedicating his life to addressing climate change and inequality. Solomon wants to amplify the voices of Pacific youth in all platforms and help them achieve justice member of the World’s Youth for Climate Justice movement (WYCJ), NCP member, Climate Justice research line. (to be confirmed).


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